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Writing Guidelines

We are a writing community for young writers ages 11 to 18. All users must log-in as a site member.

Below you can find our Code of Conduct that all members must follow.  Please also refer to the FAQ if you have questions. It is our hope to facilitate a clean, friendly, and encouraging atmosphere for young writers. By signing up or using Light, all Members agree to the following:

Number One

Be nice- Bullying and negativity aren’t cool. Remember to treat others the way you would want to be treated. This is called the Golden Rule.

Number Two 

Please don’t give out personal information. Keep safe and keep your personal info secret. While we do what we can, there are still people that would love to take advantage of you. The chat is a perfect opportunity for people to trick you into giving information that should be kept to yourself; don't talk to people who you don't know or seem suspicious on the chat. Share only what you are comfortable with, and be careful.

Number Three

No spamming or advertising- You are here to write, have fun, and learn, please don't distract others by spamming or advertising for your own gain. No illegal content-- be original. Don't pirate or copy any other person's written work or story-line. If you want to write a fan-fiction, that's fine, just make sure you keep it clear who's work your fiction has been based on. We want all writers to be able to write without fear of pirates, please. (Arrggghhhh!)

Number Four

Communicating- We’ve set a public chat room aside, so use that to communicate and talk instead of saying hello to your friends underneath their posts/pieces. Just go to "Light Groups" and join the "Light Chat" group, or use the chat box to communicate with members one-on-one.

Number Five

No Offensive Content- Anything crude, inappropriate, or violent is prohibited. Please refrain from explicit language such as cursing. We also prohibit writing about intimacy beyond kissing. Remember to glorify God in all you do. If someone has posted offensive/inappropriate content, please let us know by flagging it or telling us, and we'll take a look at it.

Number Six

If someone disagrees with you, be kind and considerate. Just because someone doesn't have the same beliefs as you does not mean that can you treat them unkindly or rudely. Don't take your anger or frustration out on anyone. Again, be nice.

Number Seven

External links- external links are allowed in posts and chat, but only after you have emailed or messaged via the chat box the Torch Lighters (administration) and have asked us to use a particular link. Once you have and we have confirmed it, we will send you an e-mail, approving the link. If a writer has an external link and we haven't replied within 3 days or the link sends you to an inappropriate site, please flag the piece. This is for all of our safety. 

Number Eight

Have fun- We created this site so that anyone can share and talk about their views without being censored or unfairly treated. We were persecuted on another writing site, but we don't want that to happen to anyone else, no matter what your beliefs are. Just have fun, write and remember to glorify God in all that you do. And learn from each other! (Refer to Number 6.)

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