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A Live Birthday Party!

Hello, Light-ers!

I'm sure you've already heard, but just as a refresher, Light is having live birthday party! On Sunday, November 28th, at 2 pm EST, we will have an online Zoom meeting to which all of you Light-ers are invited! You'll have to provide your own cake and ice cream, but we'll have plenty of fun games and new activities for everyone to enjoy, including...

A Give Away! When you join the meeting, you automatically sign yourself up for our very first custom Light give away. We have a custom shirt, notebook, decal, and a bonus pen! There's no costs or obligations, you'll only have to give us your shirt size and shipping address. Here's an example of one of the items:

Please don't miss out on this opportunity!

A Kahoot! Game! We've made our very own (and very first, haha!) Kahoot! game for all of us to play! Everyone can chime in from their own devices, and can individually earn points by answering Light-themed questions correctly. The winner of this game will have double chances at receiving our give away!

A Birthday Pack! After the meeting, this pack will be available to all Light-ers, but the members who come to the meeting will get to see it first! It has a Crossword, Word Search, bookmarks, and writing prompts! As a bonus, it's all free and printable.

A Writing Time! At the end of the meeting, we will let all the Light-ers stay and write with each other! You can use the writing prompts, throw ideas around with other Light-ers, share your writing, and talk with Light-ers screen-to-screen! This is completely optional and there's no time limit (just until the meeting ends!) so you'll be free to do whatever you want.

Questions and Updates! For those of you who are interested, we will tell the Light-ers new updates and take questions! We are so excited to the upcoming year and would love to share our ideas and plans, as well as answer any questions you have, whether it be about the past year or the next.

You can sign up for the meeting using the button below (which will send you to the Contact form) and have the Zoom meeting info sent directly to your inbox! Otherwise, we will post the Zoom meeting info in the forum for those of you who want to join last minute.

Please sign up for this online birthday party! We think it will be a lot of fun, and as they always say, "The more, the merrier!"

Happy Light-ing!

--Savanna, Thomas, and Katherine, the Torch-Lighters

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