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Everyone admires someone--and that goes for your characters too! Admiration is not, as many would think, romantic interest. Of course, it could, but you see this much more often in books and movies between a mentor & mentee, older sibling & younger sibling, parent & child, and friend & friend relationships.

Peter Parker admires Tony Stark (I know, another Spider Man reference! XD), Frodo admires Gandalf, Katniss admires her father, Edmund admires the White Queen/Witch--I'm blanking on more examples, but I'm sure you get the idea. ;)

Admiration is such a human quality, so use it to help you characters feel more relatable/believable.

The person your character admires, might, like Peter Parker & Tony Stark, be someone they've never met, or haven't met yet. Or like Katniss and her father, the person your character admires might be someone from their past who deeply impacted them but is dead now. Sadly, like Edmund and the White Witch, your character's admiration for the person might be terribly misplaced.

You've probably experienced one or more of these. I have. Even if you haven't though, you can search for examples in the books you read and the movies you watch, just like I did!

I hope this inspired you! If you decide to use some form of admiration in a story you write, all of us on Light would love to read it! Post your narrative using #Admired

God bless and happy lighting!

-- Katherine

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