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Guess who's got the new badges! (+ a big announcement)

You guys have earned this.

At least, those of you who were brave enough to participate in Siblings Week, that is. :)

(Or, should we say Siblings Week, since it took place over a few weeks? 😜)

Anyways, the long-awaited Siblings Week 2022 badge is now available, and, if you participated in Siblings Week, you will be crowned with it! Tantalizing, isn't it?

If you didn't participate in Siblings Week, you can still write with your siblings throughout the year. Our next official Siblings Week event will be early 2023.

If you are subscribed to our newsletter, you will know about the BIG announcement that we made! If you aren't subscribed to our newsletter, you're still our friend, but you're only hearing this big announcement now.

Our merchandise is now live! And you can pre-order it now! However, we did make a little mistake. The link that we gave does not go to our store page, so here is the link to our merchandise page!

If you have been following us around and keeping up with our Newsletter, you may have seen that our February competition will be postponed until the end of March. We had to do this because our guest judge let us know last minute that they wouldn't be able to judge our competition. Although this is sad, we have an awesome competition planned and are pumped to have you join us, participate in a dynamic competition, and enter for free and have a chance to win a cash prize!

That's all for now, y'all!

Take care, and happy writing!!

Your friends,

-- Savanna, Katherine, and Thomas, the Writelight Torch-Lighters

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