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Crazy Creatures

Are you at a writing block? Don't know what to write next or just want to add something spectacular to your story? Entre, crazy creatures!

First off, I have to say that most of the credit for this prompt goes to @Kluvs2write. One day when she was over at my house, she introduced a really fun game that can spark funny, exciting, and whimsical story ideas to keep you busy writing for a while!

Go grab...

a friend or sibling

about three slips of paper each (or more)

some full-size papers

some pens

colored pencils

a jar (or bucket or hat, whatever--) and you're ready to get started!

Begin by writing the name of a different animal on each slip of paper. Don't tell your buddy what you wrote! Then, fold the slips and put them in the jar. Take turns pulling out a slip till you each have an equal amount and there are no more slips remaining in the jar.

Continuing not to share what slips you got, grab a page of paper and some pencils, and combine the three animals to make a truly crazy creature! Make up a fun story to go along with it, or add it to one of your existing stories--it's super funny! Just let those creative juices flow!

Once you're finished, share with your friend those crazy drawings and story. Here are a few of my wild results:

I wonder what creature you'll create? We'd love to see your frankensteins, so when you post use #CrazyCreatures

As always, have fun and happy lighting!

- Katherine

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4 comentarios

K luvs2write
K luvs2write
18 abr 2023

Thanks for using the idea!! I love your creatures, lol.

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Contestando a

Ok, I might just do that! Keep an eye out for it! :D

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