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Days Gone By

Memories, precious memories. Those happenings stored in the very back of your brain that you take out from time to time reminiscing over days gone by.

Light-bulb: What if you could relive a day with those you love from years gone by? What would the day and year be? Is it a holiday? One of significance? Who is there with you? Friends? Family? Why is this so special to you?

Specifics: For this prompt, dear Light-ers, do your best to answer the questions above in a short, creative story, as if you were really there reliving a special memory. Not as if you have gone back in time, but choose a day that is close to your heart with the people that make it so. Please remember to include the title of this prompt so others can find your short story.

Happy light-ing!

Your friend,

- Kit-Kat Sullivan

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