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Emojionally Challenged

Lightbulb: This lightbulb is simple. It's up to your interpretation (mostly). Just choose one of the emoji sequences from below and use them to write a short story. Use the emoji emotions and other icons in your story. The emotions and icons must sequence in your story in the order they are in. But other things and feels can happen in between. Listed are sequences A, B, & C. Chose one and when you post your story use #EmojinallyChallenged

A: 😴😧🤐🦁

B: 🤤😎🐷😚🤗🍕

C: 😍🐒💨🍆⚽️😯🤓

Your friend,


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Thomacado 🥑
Thomacado 🥑
10 août 2021

This is so weird.... And cool! Thanks Light Creators!

En réponse à

I think I have some idea....but I'll have to try it out and see how I like it first.

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