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Funny Phrases

"You sure are a handful,"

"Cat got your tongue?"

"You're really burning the midnight oil."

"You are one bad egg."

"Quit messing around,"

"Darling, you're the apple of my eye,"

"Don't beat around the bush."

"Hey, tone it down,"

"Boy, you're keen as mustard."

"That was a real curveball"

"He's a chip off the old block,"

"It's jam-packed in here"

"That's my cup of tea"

"I'll be there with bells on,"

"I'm head over heels for him"

"Pardon my French,"

These are just a few of the many, and often curious phrases that are littered throughout the English language. It's likely that you've heard more than one before.

For this prompt, write a story where the characters only use old phrases/sayings. I encourage you to search up some on your own.

The challenge is making sure that you use the sayings correctly. You should be sure to decipher the sayings first. But trust me, this can be a lot of fun and broaden your vocabulary.

Have fun and happy lighting!


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