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In With The Old, In With The New

Showcase how your writing's developed!

Lightbulb: It's crazy how things change in one year; for instance, take you--You've grown and changed physically as well as mentally, and guess what, your writing has changed too! I know mine has! 😆

For this prompt, dig out a Word document (or old story scribbled down in a random notebook) from the beginning of 2021. Don't be embarrassed; this is a great way to showcase how your writing has improved, as well as have fun laughing over the goofy stuff you wrote. Maybe you posted an early piece here on Light, well then, repost it! The important thing is that you post your early piece along with your more recent piece.

Specifics: Go to the Light-er Hub and start writing! Be sure to (as said above) post your piece from 2021 along with your more recent piece. Use the hashtag #InWithTheOldInWithTheNew in your piece!

Happy lighting!

Your friend,

--Kate and the Torch-Lighters

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