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Light's First Birthday!

Hello, Light-ers! One year ago this month, an incredible thing happened:


It's crazy to believe that only one year ago, Light was created. If you've stuck around since the beginning, when Light was still "," thank you, truly, from the bottom of our hearts. You mean so much to us, both as incredible friends and loyal supporters. Even if you've only been here for a day, we want to thank you for being a part of Light.

So much has changed and improved this year. We learned so much more about running a website than we thought we could, creating new pages and helping Light-ers through problems, which I'm sure all of us are grateful for. We've added so many new programs and events to Light, like our Secret Light-ers event last Christmas. We had our first Virtual Writing Camp in June. We recently had our first Writer HighLight. We've added 9 Lighter-run groups, 41 prompts to our Light-Bulbs page, a new Torch-Lighter to our team, and 72 members to Light! We never imagined any of this when Light was first created, but thanks to so much help from our family and friends and all of you, we've been able to accomplish this and are still working on new exciting updates!

In celebration of Light's 1 Year Anniversary, we're planning a big event, complete with sneak-peaks into our newest ideas, activities, challenges, and a give away! Make sure our email isn't in your spam so that you know everything that's going on!

Thank you for an amazing year, whether you've been with us for one year or one day. We look forward to seeing what more we can do in this next year.

Happy Light-ing!

-Katherine, Thomas, and Savanna, the Torch-Lighters

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K luvs2write
K luvs2write
Nov 22, 2021

Great job!

Light Creators
Light Creators
Nov 23, 2021
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Thank you!

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