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Me in One Sentence

Lightbulb: Have you ever taken a personality or character quiz? Chances are, you have. In the quizzes I've taken, I'm most like Belle from Beauty & the Beast and Jane from Pride & Prejudice. So, what is this prompt? Your challenge is to take a quiz or two, and from whatever it says your like, write a sentance--to be specific, your personality in one sentence. To be honest, I did kinda cheat for this challenge, 'cause I got my description from an Abbie Emmons video. Add your name to the front of the sentence, and post it on your bio as "Me in one sentence". Here's my bio as an example: Kreativity By Kate | Profile (

Your friend,

---Kate (Katherine Sullivan)

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🌻 Ella Skye 🌻
🌻 Ella Skye 🌻
Aug 04, 2021

Just did it!

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