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Monologue in Motion

For starters, what is a monologue? Well, according to Oxford, a monologue is described as a long, tedious speech by one person during a conversation a long speech by one actor in a play or movie, or as part of a theatrical or broadcast program.

Monologues can add so much to your story, whether it's information about your character's backstory, relationships, emotions, contemplations or plans. Shakespeare and others of his day used this form of writing to further their story as well as display their character's inner conflict. It's essentially a conversation your character is having with his (or her) self. Perhaps they have an audience, but generally, only one person gives their speech in a mono-(one)-logue. It gives your readers a unique look into your character's mind and thoughts.

So, why not add this nifty tool to your writer's toolbox? Give it a try! Explore all the possibilities this feature can add to the depth of your character and the arc of your story! :D For this light-bulb write a nice, long, monologue in two to as many paragraphs as you wish. Post your monologue once you finish and use #MonologueinMotion somewhere in your post.

Need some extra inspiration? Try asking yourself:

What does my character like or dislike about their life or the place they live?

What are they going through right now--are they happy or...?

Is there a dream/plan that they wish to pursue--how do they plan to accomplish this?

Something is puzzling my character--what are they processing/thinking about?

What are they so impassioned about?

Have fun! Happy lighting!


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A Girl Named Savanna
A Girl Named Savanna
02. März 2023

The prompt didn't say to do this, but Imma do it anyway XD: Charcoal Hearts | #MonologueinMotion

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09. Feb. 2023


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