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Our First Alumnus!

Hey, writers . . .

Let us give a huge round of virtual applause for our first Senior Community Ambassador, Emi, to join the Writelight Alumni Network! She is an 18 year old college student who lives in Pennsylvania, United States!

Emi has been one of our most loyal supporters -- She has been on Light as a dearest friend and a most talented, amazing writer since the very beginnings of Light. In November of 2020, when the world seemed darkest, Writelight was born. Emi, in fact, was one of our first members here, and we are grateful for her presence here, her skill as a writer, and the fact that she now wants to stay on Light and join our Alumni Network! Please welcome her as she comes as a friend and mentor to help guide you in your writing, give you tips for your work, and write reviews on Light! Emi, you are an amazing friend, a great writer, and we believe that you will be an awesome addition to the Alumni Program!

The Light Alumni Network is a program that members turning 18 can join instead of leaving the site. In this program, Light Alumni help younger young writers to achieve their true potential, by writing inspiring prompts and encouraging Lighters to hone their writing craft!

A zillion thanks again, to Emi!

Your friends,

the Light Torch-Lighters

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K luvs2write
K luvs2write
Nov 11, 2021

Awesome! Congratulations, Emi!

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