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Retrospective Retelling

To begin with, for those of you who were lost on the word "retrospective", it means looking back on or dealing with past events or situations (Oxford). So for this prompt, we encourage you to tell a story of something that has happened to you--however, there's a twist. You can't use I.

Yes, I know, it's confusing and difficult, but basically, you will be acting as the narrator of the story and must refer to yourself in the 2nd or 3rd person. That's what I mean by "you can't use I"; first person isn't allowed for this light-bulb.

You may have to catch yourself a few times, and edit a bit, but eventually I'm sure you'll get the hang of it. You got this! Have fun, happy lighting, and remember, use #RetrospectiveRetelling when you post your piece!


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