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Sci-Fi Situations

Many of us have seen Back to the Future & Star Wars, or read The Maze Runner & 1984. On the surface, all of these stories may seem totally unrelated. But they have one thing in common: their genre! Wouldn't it be amazing if you could have Doc Brown's time machine, or fight Darth Vader with Luke Skywalker? Well, now, you can come close, by writing your very own sci-fi story!

Prompt: "Sci-Fi," is a combination of the words, "Science," and, "Fiction." Science Fiction is defined as, "A literary or cinematic genre in which fantasy, typically based on speculative scientific discoveries or developments, environmental changes, space travel, or life on other planets, forms part of the plot or background," or, "A genre of fiction in which scientific and technological issues feature prominently, especially including scenarios in which speculative but unproven scientific advances are accepted as fact, and usually set at some time in the future, or in some distant region of the universe." Try and forget everything you know about the world right now, and imagine it with limitless possibilities. Will you find a world over-run by robots? How about a mad scientist who creates clones? What if humans could give themselves the efficiency and power of machines-- creating a cyborg? Are flying cars and hoverboards the norm? These are some common themes in Sci-Fi, but that doesn't mean you have to use them. You can create a whole new Sci-Fi theme for your story!

Specifics: Go to "Light-er Hub," and press "Create New Post," then "Start a Discussion." Write a story in the Sci-Fi genre. If you want, you can do the typical short-story length of at least 1,000 words. But, you don't have to! You can write your story from any perspective or style, but one thing must stay consistent: the genre! As always, like this Light-Bulb and comment the link to your entry if you write one, as well as put the Light-Bulb name in your title!

If you're looking for some inspiration, check out our Light-er K luvs2write, who has some amazing Sci-Fi stories, series, and drawings!

Happy Light-ing!

-A Girl Named Savanna

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