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Secret Light-ers

This is 2020's prompt! Here is 2022's year's prompt.

Christmas is coming fast! In just a few weeks, people around the world will be celebrating the "most wonderful time of the year," as singer Andy Williams put it. Lots of us will be decorating our Christmas trees, putting up lights, joining our family for dinner, singing Christmas carols, opening presents, and reading about the true meaning of Christmas! But, for this Christmas, we want to challenge you to do something a little different. What if you could have one online friend at your Christmas celebrations?

Lightbulb: It's as simple as that! Add a Light-er into a story about Christmas! Get creative and have fun with this! Maybe they'll be an elf, or they're joining your family for Christmas dinner. Maybe you're taking them ice skating, or they're helping you build a snowman. Perhaps you bring them along with you, Christmas Caroling, or you're baking Christmas cookies together. Have only them alone seen Satna Claus? Or, maybe you've both traveled back in time to see Jesus' birth! Whatever it may be, make sure you add your assigned

Light-er to your story and keep the theme "Christmas-y." (Note: If your faith or family does not celebrate Christmas, you can write about your Secret Light-er joining you in your favorite holiday tradition!)


  • We want you to write a story about Christmas where you and a Light-er that we assign you are the main characters. Throwing in their name and giving them a Christmas hat is not enough. We want you to learn as much about them as possible. Make them feel like a real person in your story. The length of the story is not important, just the theme and the characters. Keep in mind, this is not only for you, this is a "gift" for the other Light-er.

  • We want you to post your story on the day it occurs, if possible. For example, if your story takes place on Christmas Eve, please post the story on Christmas Eve if possible.

  • Remember: This is supposed to be Secret Light-ers. Try to be discreet when asking questions about your Light-er. That way it'll be a huge surprise!

  • If you would like to participate, please send a private chat (if the chat is not working for you, email us at by 10pm Eastern Standard Time on Sunday, December the 8th. By joining this event, you agree to write a story including a randomly selected Light-er and being a main character in another randomly selected Light-er's story. On the 10th of December, you will get a private message from the Torch-Lighters with the name of a random Light-er, whom you must add to your story. The Light-er you are given should be a main character. Remember to keep the Code of Conduct in mind when writing. When you have posted your story, please send us the link in a private message or email, and we will deliver it to your Secret Light-er!

Happy Lighting and Merry Christmas!

-Savanna and Katherine!

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