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Siblings Week: Acrostic Action

Welcome, siblings! We are so glad that you have decided to participate in Siblings Week. This prompt is all about descriptions... using your siblings' name!

Light-Bulb: Spell out your sibling's name, with each letter on a new line, like so:





Then, describe your sibling, having each sentence/word start with the letter on that

line, for example:

J oyful always;

O n my side;

H ilariously funny;

N ever gives up.

Be creative and try to point out the best in your sibling!

Specifics: Go to "Light-er Hub," and press "Create New Post," then "Start a Discussion.” You can either write full sentences or use one-word adjectives. Try getting creative with the formatting and bold or italic different sections to make them stand out. Be original! Do not forget to put #AcrosticAction somewhere in your post!

Happy Light-ing!

--The Torch-Lighters

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1 commentaire

29 janv. 2022

Okay! so Do I do Savanna's name? Imma do Savannas name

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