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So, What Is It Like Being 14?

That's the question the little girl next door asked me yesterday, although more specifically, she asked how it was like being a teenager. I thought about it for a moment, kind of caught off guard. Then finding at least something to say, I told her it was filled with responsibilities and the saving of money; but before I even finished, she had already jumped to a different subject as seven-year-olds are apt to do.

Light-bulb: What is it like being the age you are right now? Well, I've just turned fourteen today, so I'll probably have to think about it...but surely you can answer this. Is it filled with more responsibilities than in previous years? Do you find yourself thinking of the future more realistically than you did when you were six? Is it fun or aggravating?

Specifics: Take some time to answer ten questions. You can make them up and use the questions we asked in the previous paragraph. Compare your current age and mindset to that of when you were, say, eight. List the age you are now (if you are comfortable doing so) with the younger age you've chosen to compare to. Separate your questions and answers, and please number them. Also, remember (like in all the other prompts) to leave a link at the bottom of this prompt or include the title of this light-bulb in the piece you write so that other Lighters can find your version.

Happy Lighting!

Your friend,

- Kit-Kat Sully

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For what? You can do one on your current age, I thought I put that in the prompt...


A Girl Named Savanna
A Girl Named Savanna
Jan 25, 2021

Hmmmm.... I'm a Torch-Lighter, so does that mean I'm not allowed to bend the rules, or that I can? I'm gonna got with the latter XD.

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