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The Greatest Book Ever: One Character's Perspective

Esther gracefully walked down the beautiful hallway leading to the throneroom of her husband, King Xerxes. Her heart pounded, and she grew clammy all over. Would he have her executed on the spot? Did he know of her Jewish heritage yet? "God, calm my spirit and beating heart, help me to trust You throughout this." She stopped as she reached the entrance door and gazed about her at the Persian architecture that she had once smiled at with pleasure, now it gave her the chills.

Light-bulb: Have you ever wondered what Lazurus thought as he was being raised from the dead? How about Adam or Eve as they were being created? What were Jonathan's last thoughts before he was killed in battle?

Specifics: For this prompt chose a Biblical character, and in keeping with the factual storyline, give details whether it's what they are thinking or how their surroundings looked. Do so in five paragraphs, and remember to include the passage your piece was based on.

Check out my example for this prompt: Miraculous Healing

Happy Lighting!

Your friend,

- Kit-Kat

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