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When something goes wrong...

Let's face it, when do things always go right in your own life? Exactly! Nothing in your life always goes the way you planned, so why should it in your character's life?

When you're trying to create relatable characters, making their life a dream and every inch of their skin perfect doesn't hook a broad audience. Things have to fall through for your MC sometimes, they have to have a bad hair day once in a while, or lose one of their pairs of socks.

For this prompt, write about something going wrong for your character, whether it's something as innocent as getting ice cream on their nose, something as comical as forgetting to shut the chicken pen, or something as life-altering as a car wreck. Make your character relatable!

Have fun and happy lighting!


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3 commentaires

01 mars 2023

Cool! Where'd you get the picture of the chicken? It looks just like ours lol

01 mars 2023
En réponse à

Oh! 🤣

Also, if we do this prompt is there a hashtag for it?

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