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Wrapped Up in Nostalgia

We've all gone through our old notebooks and journals, cringing and laughing at our younger selves and their writing. Our poetry and songs don't rhyme and have no rhythm, our stories have weak characters and terrible grammar. Thankfully, we've progressed past those pieces our 6-year-old selves wrote. But, guess what? We want to cringe and laugh with you!

Prompt: Pull out those boxes you've hidden in the very back of the closet, and look through those old, peeling notebooks. Find one or two (or three or four) of those pieces you wrote as a little kid, and type them up!

Specifics: Go to "Light-er Hub," and press "Create New Post," then "Start a Discussion." Then type up your piece and write how old you were when you wrote it. Don't change anything about your piece! You can fix the grammar or the spelling, but we want it to stay almost the same. It's ok if your piece is absolutely terrible! We all had to start somewhere! But, we'll probably think it's adorable. As always, like this Light-Bulb and comment the link to your entry if you write one, as well as put the Light-Bulb name in your title!

If you need some inspiration (or would like to see my childhood pieces), you can check out these pieces: Once Upon an Eight-Year-Old's Mind, or Describe Your Sunday!

Happy Light-ing!

-A Girl Named Savanna

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K luvs2write
K luvs2write

I have a bunch of old stories, but they're chapter book/novel length. I wouldn't be able to fit them!

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