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Writer Highlight: January 2024

Hello Light-ers!

I don't need to introduce this member because you all already know and love her: Gracie! Also known as... Gracie. She's the little sister of one of our Torchlighters, known for advocating for younger kids to be allowed onto Light and her amazing blend of poetry and fiction. Let's dive right in to her feature piece...

Featured Piece:

Gracie's featured piece is Jewels in Germany, a diary-style historical fiction set in World War II. While the story starts out innocent enough, you'll quickly see it takes an ominous turn...

August 26th 1935

After school today, I snuck into Daniel’s room. I thought I’d find something about his ‘job interview’, but all I found was a bunch of newspapers. I started reading one about someone called a Nazi. That’s when Ilse caught me. Ilse is one of our caretakers. She’s twenty-one, like Daniel. For some reason, she always smells like bananas. 

 “Catherine Lilly! Just what do you think you’re doing in here? Out!” She shrieked. I quickly ran out of the room. “Go wash up for dinner.”  

Anyway, I’m kind of stuck on what’s happening. Hopefully, nothing will change too much...right? 


This story is ongoing, but you can read the first entry here, and the rest of them are on her profile here.


Q: How did you get into writing— 

A: It really started when I was about nine, I read The Maze Runner and wrote fanfictions about it. 


Q: What is your favorite genre {fantasy, sci-fi, etc.} & why— 

A: Fantasy & sci-fi, because it’s like entering a whole new world. 


Q: Who is your favorite author & why— 

A: I have a few. Jake Burt, Haddix, Shannon Messenger, and more. Mostly, I ‘ve just liked every book they’ve made so far.  


Q: What is your favorite book & why— 

A: Ahhh! FAVORITE? Probably the first Harry Potter or Greetings! From Witness Protection. 


Q: What is your favorite piece you’ve written? 

A: Hm, I really love Catherine Lilly (the main character in Jewels in Germany) right now, but I’m sure it’ll change. 


Q: Why did you choose this piece to be featured— 

A: I’m in love with the characters, and it’s interesting to think about what a little girl’s POV would be. 


Q: What gave you the inspiration for this piece— 

A: The Dear America books, and Anne Frank's diary. 


Q: What is something that makes this piece stand out to you— 

A: I feel like I’ve always assumed the Germans were terrible "all-hail-Hitlers," and I’m sure a fair few of them were! But I also thought, ‘There had to have been at least a few Jew-supporter Germans, right?’ Well, this is them. 


Q: What unique word do you use most in your writing {ominously, glorious, etc.} & why— 

A: Um, ‘faded’ maybe? I’m not sure. 


Q: Do you think you want to pursue a career in writing? If not, what career do you have in mind & why— 

A: Maybe. I always consider myself an artist. Maybe I’ll illustrate my own writing or other people’s writing. 


Q: Which POV (point of view) do you use in your stories most {third-person close, first person, etc.}— 

A: Third person & first person 


Q: What is your writing process {what gives you inspiration, etc.}— 

A: I usually gain inspiration from movies. Once I have an idea, I’ll spend the next few days planning it out in my head before writing it down. 


Q: What do you enjoy about Light— 

A: Reading other people’s posts, and the memes. 


Q: How did you get involved— 

A: My sister founded it lol.  


Q: What is one piece of advice you would give to younger/newer writers {about writing}— 

A: You’re writing isn’t going to be great at first. I always cringe at my old pieces. But the more you practice, the better you’ll get. Also, read books and listen to lots of music for inspo. 

Special Q: Why do you continue you to write?

A: Well, it's fun, and I have so many characters and stories I have to share them all.


Gracie has designed a prompt based off of her featured piece that you can complete here!

Thank You!

Thank you so much, Gracie, for completing this Writer Highlight, and thank you, the reader, for reading it!

Happy Lighting!

--The TorchLighters

Want to be featured in the Writer Highlights? Message us to be added to roster! All Writer Highlights are chosen randomly.

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Great job, Gracie! 🥳Thank you for sharing a bit about yourself! Ok I’ll go read your prompt now 😁—

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