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Writing Camp!

Are you ready for camp? Gear up, 'cause it's time for our inaugural writing camp! Join us for virtual Zoom meetings, where the only supplies required are your pen and some paper! Hike to new peaks in your writing by learning new techniques and refreshing old ones with Katherine, Savanna, and guest teachers! We'll talk and get to know other campers better by staying for the writing period at the end!

Light-Bulb: On June 5th-1oth at 3 pm EST, Katherine and Savanna will host a virtual Zoom meeting, to which every camper will be invited. In the beginning, Katherine or Savanna will introduce our topic; the next 2o minutes will be a PowerPoint presentation by Katherine or Savanna discussing the writing style in further detail; then we'll have a guest speaker talk about the chosen topic for 5-10 minutes, talking about their interest in the topic and their tips and tricks; and the last 30 minutes will be a writing time, "Putting Pen to Paper," where you'll get to write and chat with other Light-ers!

Specifics: In order to sign up, you'll need to join our group, Writing Camp! We'll post the links to the Zoom meetings the morning of the event in the group. The topics we'll be discussing are: Creative Writing and Overcoming Writer's Block; Character Building and Character-Driven Plots; Historical Fiction and Researching; Poetry and its Techniques; Journalism and Truth; and Novel Writing with a Focus on Bible Romance (not in that order). After our session, we'll send you a follow-up email with an overview of the session, the link to the PowerPoint, links to other resources in the topic chosen, and the link to the guest speaker's favorite piece. Then, you can post your writing in the Writing Camp! and talk with other Light-ers.

Happy Light-ing!

-A Girl Named Savanna and Kit-Kat Sully

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