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You--from a distance

So, what would you be like if we were reading about you as a character in a book? Ok, so it might not make sense yet, but just think about someone narrating what you are doing--you know, in the third person.

Light-bulb: Try writing a scene (or scenes) with you as the main character. You are the one that knows you best (aside from God) so why not write how you view yourself, adding those details, etc. that only you know. Or, you could just write it as someone else would see you; not as personal, but still you.

Specifics: Write a scene or two (maybe a chapter?) in the third person. Let your creativity run free, but write about you. So, if you can keep yourself accurate while fictional going to space, then go for it! I think this would be a good way to discover a little more about yourself, or how others see you. Have fun with it! And remember to list the title of this Light-bulb in either the title of your piece or, wherever is most convenient so that we can see your piece.

Your friend,

--Katherine (Kit-Kat)

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